Customer Success Journey: The See-Think-Do-Care Sales Blueprint

The See-Think-Do-Care model provides actionable steps to increase your customers’ Lifetime Value by making sales in 4 stages of customer development without raising your price.

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Discover the Secret to Building Everlasting Customer Loyalty by Multiplying Your Sales Without Selling Your Soul

By taking this Customer Success Journey Masterclass…

You will be able to:

✅ Create a cyclical sales engine for any product or service.

✅ Turn clients into loyal customers who come back for more.

✅ Turn loyal customers into brand advocates who sell your products for you.

✅ Integrate Marketing and Product Development to improve sales results.

Achieve that by learning how to:

💎 Turn leads into prospects.

💎 Turn prospects into customers.

💎 Turn prospects into brand advocates.

All that even if:

⚠️ You have no sales experience.

⚠️ You don’t have a product yet.

⚠️ You are not a Marketer.

Why do People Don’t Like to be Sold but Love to Buy?

If you ask people if they love to buy stuff, most will say ‘yes’!

But if you ask the same people if they love to sell stuff, most will say ‘no’!

Does that make any sense?

How will people buy stuff if nobody is selling?

To understand how we got stuck in that belief system, we need to think about our past purchase experiences.

Is it you on the other side of the line? ⤵

Are you the client or the salesperson in this situation?

This is what happened:

You had negative experiences with bad salespeople and started to believe that sales is a bad thing.

It’s like having a bad teacher and believing that school is a bad thing altogether.

Here is the trap:

99% of salespeople are trying to sell their products to the wrong people, at the wrong time, in the wrong place.

🚫 Wrong people.

🚫 Wrong time.

🚫 Wrong place.

Apply that combination to the best things in your life and they will look awful.

⚠️ You feel cheated.

⚠️ You feel neglected.

⚠️ You feel bullied.

But when you buy something you want, you are the right person, at the right time, in the right place.

💎 You feel grateful!

💎 You feel inspired!

💎 You feel in control!

You don’t feel forced to spend money on things you didn’t want.

You feel grateful because a product like that exists.

Selling Products You don’t Believe in to People Who Don’t Want to Buy Them Doesn’t Have to be Your Destiny.

Once you learn to become that salesperson who provides outstanding experiences that make you feel great as a customer, your entire sales mindset will shift.

What if I told you that:

🎯 Sales can restore happiness?

🎯 Sales can improve lives?

🎯 Sales can connect people?

Money is energy.

Energy that flows through meaning and purpose.

People pay to have that sense of purpose in their lives, and provide that is the most inspirational and positive action you could ever take to help them.

Sales provide meaning!

When you make sales to the right people, at the right time, in the right place, you provide meaning and purpose to their lives.

✅ Right people

✅ Right place.

✅ Right time.

Making sales can give you and your customers the best life you could ever imagine!

After Years of Being a Marketer Who Felt Bad About Sales, I Finally Discovered How to Feel Inspired by Improving People’s Lives and Make More Money Without Guilt.

Without knowing, I was that salesperson who made myself feel bullied as a customer.

Until I came across a concept that disrupted my understanding of sales forever.

A customer-centric framework that:

1️⃣ Segments the audience.

2️⃣ Provides value.

3️⃣ Make sales.

4️⃣ Repeat.

People are not the same.

Segmentation splits the world into 2 groups: People who are interested in what you have to offer and people who are not.

People don’t pay. People Repay.

Providing value will build authority, trust, and reciprocity. The 3 most powerful gears in your sales engine.

People buy feelings, not products.

Making sales will no longer feel like forcing people to buy stuff they don’t want but will feel like providing a means for people's happiness and fulfillment.

People have rituals.

This framework doesn’t end when a sale is made. It repeats into an endless cycle of segmentation, value, and sales, exponentially multiplying solutions and profits.

What did I discover?

I learned about Avinash Kaushik’s See, Think, Do, Care Sales concept and applied it to my Marketing experience, turning it into a Sales Blueprint.

What’s special about it?

This Sales Blueprint doesn’t have the shape of a sales funnel.

A sales funnel is the visual representation of tactics that are designed to have an end.

⚠️ Top of the funnel (TOFU).

⚠️ Middle of the funnel (MOFU).

⚠️ Bottom of the funnel (BOFU).

⚠️ The End.

There is a fundamental flaw in this model.

It ends!

You end up in a constant battle for first-time clients in a competitive landscape.

Why is it so competitive?

Because first-time clients don’t trust you yet, so you have no real advantage over your competitors, making this a very expensive and exhausting game.

Even worse!

Once people learn to trust you and move to the bottom of the funnel, it’s over for them.

They can only buy the same stuff over and over if they want to keep your brand around, which in most cases, doesn’t make any sense.

In the See-Think-Do-Care Sales Model that’s replaced by a sales cycle.

There’s no top, middle, or bottom of the funnel.

Leads, prospects, customers, and brand advocates are moving around in an endless cycle of purchase experiences.

🎯 That demolishes the competition.

Once people adopt your brand and find continuous offers for what they want, they don’t go elsewhere.

🎯 That demolishes the cost of acquisition.

One you start making sales for people that already adopted your brand as a trusted place to find what they want, you won’t need an army of sales tactics just to make one single sale.

🎯 That demolishes the fight for low prices.

Discounts and promotions are mechanisms built to compensate for the sales funnel design flaw.

Once you establish authority, trust, and reciprocity in cycles, those are no longer necessary.

You won’t ever fight for first-time customers in a constant discount battle again.

The See-Think-Do-Care Sales Blueprint allowed me to maximize profits like never before, by creating a repeatable sales system that manages itself.

A system that builds:

💎 Value

💎 Trust

💎 Reciprocity

A system that maximizes:

💰 Sales

💰 Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

💰 Customer Retention.

All that without selling my soul.

Would This Method Work For You?

After years of fighting for first-time customers in a constant battle against competitors for prices and features…

I realized that:

💡 First-time customers are too expensive.

💡 Features don’t sell products.

💡 Competition is a losing game.

That realization allowed me to:

✅ 10x sales by selling to existing customers.

✅ 10x sales by pitching feelings, not features.

✅ 10x sales by serving, not competing.

10 x 10 x 10 = Feel-good sales!

How did customers react to that?

They kept coming back for more!

That produced a compound sales effect impossible to achieve when fighting for first-time sales against competitors that are doing the same.

Producing an Endless Cycle of Sales That Leads to Compound Profits is Easier Than You Imagine

I’m not grounding my findings on a hunch!

But on a well-known and established sales model applied to a lifetime experience in Marketing and Sales…

…to deliver the most seamless blueprint to escape sales guilt, growth plateau, and endless discount battles.

A replicable blueprint that allows you to:

✅ Find high-valuable leads.

✅ Build trust, authority, and reciprocity.

✅ Maximize profits.

✅ Turn customers into brand advocates.

✅ Block competitors and copycats.

It’s Possible to Turn the Guilty Sales Syndrome into Meaningful and Profitable Experiences by Doing What Most People Ignore

Think about how you usually feel about making sales.

Now think how that can relate to these leaders:

↪ Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla and SpaceX

↪ Tim Cook - CEO of Apple

↪ Jeff Bezos - Former CEO of Amazon

↪ Sundar Pichai - CEO of Google

↪ Mark Zuckerberg - CEO of Facebook

What do all of them have in common regardless of their area of expertise, industry, and company size?

🏆 They feel GREAT about sales!

🏆 Customers feel GREAT about buying!

🏆 Products are GREAT at producing value! 

These are exactly the 3 specific consequences of replacing a sales funnel for a sales cycle.

Imagine Yourself Taking Your Audience On a Journey That Will Transform Their Lives and Boost Sales 10x10x10.

Imagine how you’d feel if you could inspire this transformation:

💎 Leads to become prospects.

💎 Prospects to become customers.

💎 Customers to become brand advocates.

Would that make you feel bad about sales, make customers feel exploited, or even produce a wave of first-time buyers that will never come back to buy again?

The truth is:

There is a way to make sales without looking like you are selling!

There is a way to give you the profits without giving you the regrets, the bad rep, and make you an easy target for competitors.

All this by learning how to build:

✅ Acquisition channels.

✅ Consideration channels.

✅ Sales channels.

✅ Re-sales channels.

This is the See-Think-Do-Care Sales Blueprint.

My Mission With the Customer Success Journey Masterclass is to Help Visionary Entrepreneurs Make 10x10x10 More Sales Without Selling Their Souls

This mission is not just about financial results.

It’s about finding meaning, fulfillment, and purpose in sales to provide the most transformative experiences to customers.

💎 Transformative experiences = more sales + word-of-mouth.

Who would benefit from a marketplace where customers were pitched products they love when they want them?

The world doesn’t need shady sales tactics hidden between the lines of unreadable contracts to produce sustainable businesses.

↪ That’s what I believe.

↪ That’s what I live.

↪ That’s what I preach.

Customer Success Journey Masterclass: The Only Hands-on Training That Teaches You The Tools to Make 10x10x10 More Sales in Less Than 2 Hours.

The Customer Success Journey Masterclass is different from everything you’ve ever seen.

🚫 It’s NOT a theoretical training.

🚫 It’s NOT a shady sales tactic scam.

🚫 It’s NOT a magical and effortless method.

The See-Think-Do-Care Sales Blueprint provides actionable steps to help you navigate customers to success and make sales in 4 different stages of the customer journey.

That includes:

💎 Build a Research & Discovery Loop.

💎 Build a Loyalty Loop.

💎 Create Multiple Conversion Touchpoints.

💎 Create Metrics for Customer Success.

💎 Establish Customer Success Goals.

💎 Design Accurate Buyer Personas.

It’s a practical sales blueprint to direct your audience through a sales cycle by using reciprocity as the main gear.

It’s time to say enough!

🚫 No more sales guilt.

🚫 No more discount battles.

🚫 No more shady sales tactics.

With the Customer Success Journey Masterclass, you will be able to uncover the 4 Keys to becoming the leader of your market.

How to Become a Sales Wiz: The Complete Customer Success Journey Masterclass Outline.

The Customer Success Journey Masterclass will guide you through 4 Stages of Customer Success:

1️⃣ See (Awareness)

2️⃣ Think (Consideration)

3️⃣ Do (Purchase)

4️⃣ Care (Loyalty Loop)

Here is the complete outline of all the skills you will acquire:

Stage #1: See (Awareness)

↪ Goals: Awareness, Trust, Segmentation.

↪ Metrics: Traffic, Engagement, Lead Rate.

↪ Channels: YouTube, Social Media, Blog.

↪ Conversion: Email Capture, Affiliate Sale.

Stage #2: Think (Consideration)

↪ Goals: Fix Pain, Authority, Show a Product.

↪ Metrics: Email Optin, Open, Click Rates.

↪ Channels: Blog, Freebies, Email.

↪ Conversion: Email Opens, Clicks, Access.

Stage #3: Do (Purchase)

↪ Goals: Sell a product.

↪ Metrics: Purchase, Remarking.

↪ Channels: PPC, Email.

↪ Conversion: Sales.

Stage #4: Care (Loyalty)

↪ Goals: Upsell, Cross Sell, Down Sell.

↪ Metrics: NPS, Return Rate, Loyalty Rate.

↪ Channels: Surveys, Email, PPC, Social.

↪ Conversion: Sales.

How to Build Brand Authority

↪ Structure your sales channels.

↪ Build reciprocity in the clients’ minds.

↪ Break sales objections.

Watch a sample of this Masterclass ⤵

The Most Complete Sales Masterclass For a Limited-time Offer

The Customer Success Journey Masterclass is your key to develop your sales mindset, create boundless sales cycles and build lasting customer loyalty in less than 1 hour.

After taking this masterclass, you will be able to:

🏆 Attract Valuable Prospects.

🏆 Build Trust and Reciprocity.

🏆 Convert Customers into Brand Advocates.

🏆 Block Competitors and Copycats.

A masterclass of this magnitude could be easily sold for $297.

🚫 But it doesn’t cost 50% of that.

🚫 It doesn’t cost 30% of that either.

🚫 It doesn’t even cost 20% of that.

🎁 One-time offer:

Grant your access today for only $37. ⤵

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LIMITED BONUS: How to Create Profitable Buyer Persona + Buyer Persona Template.

Unlock a 1-Hour Bonus Class and learn actionable steps to create Buyer Personas that will decrease the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and increase the Lifetime Value of your customers (LTV).

Watch a sample of this Bonus Class. ⤵

Here is what you will learn:

1️⃣ The Psychology of Customer Behavior.

2️⃣ Create Profitable Customer Touchpoints.

3️⃣ The 3 Steps to Brand Growth.

4️⃣ Research Profitable Prospects.

5️⃣ Buyer Personas vs Buyer’s Journey.

6️⃣ Buyer’s Journey Stages.

7️⃣ Create Buyer Persona Templates.

This Bonus Class is designed to position you at the forefront of the Customer-Centric Revolution.

🎁 One-Time Offer:

Masterclass + Buyer Persona Bonus Class ($47).

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EXCLUSIVE GIFT: 1-on-1 Free Mentoring Session to Masterclass Attendees.

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It only takes 3 simple steps:

1️⃣ Access your exclusive link inside.

2️⃣ Schedule a call using our calendar.

3️⃣ Write down 1 to 3 objectives for the call.

Click the button below to start in less than 60 seconds. ⤵

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Let’s Recap What You Are Getting With This Masterclass

✅ Masterclass (59 min): $297

✅ Buyer Persona Bonus Class (59 min): $47

✅ Workbook + Templates: $17

✅ Mentoring Session (45 min): $97

A total of $458.

🎁 90% Off One-Time Offer: only $37

Your Immediate Access in 3 Simple Steps:

It takes only 3 simple steps to start learning:

1️⃣ Click The Button Below.

2️⃣ Fill up a 100% Secure Form.

3️⃣ Receive Immediate Access.

Follow step #1 below. ⤵

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As Simon Sinek said:

“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe."

See you in the Masterclass and Mentoring Session.

Angelo Magno.

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Masterclass + Bonus Class + Mentoring Session

$458 $37

✅ Masterclass (59 min): $297

✅ Buyer Persona Bonus Class (60 min): $27

✅ Workbook + Templates: $37

✅ Mentoring Session (45 min): $97

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Customer Success Journey: The See-Think-Do-Care Sales Blueprint

1️⃣ See (Awareness)

2️⃣ Think (Consideration)

3️⃣ Do (Purchase)

4️⃣ Care (Loyalty Loop)