The definitive toolbox to build and establish your brand online. 73 tools, 22 categories, and 3 levels of application.
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Having an online brand is the same as having an "offline" one, but with three perks:
But you must be thinking: Where do I start?
Let me begin with a little drawback to this online business idea: You have to tackle into a lot of new concepts like:
The good news is, we can boil down everything into concepts and tools.
For the tools part, you're going to find all you need in this book.
Let me show you how:
73 tools can be a lot. That's why we organized all the information in this eBook in 2 dimensions:
22 categories. 3 of these categories are:
3 Learning Curves:
[ LC1 ] has the tools to kickstart your website. You can apply these tools for free or a small price.
[ LC2 ] has the tools to build your online brand. These tools provide insights and business level solutions.
[ LC3 ] has the tools to grow your brand awareness. These tools required more study and knowledge of online strategies.
Here's a clear pathway to build and grow your online business.
The definitive toolbox to start and establish your online brand. +180 pages with 79 tools into 24 categories and 3 levels of implementation.
This is a sample of larger material.
What you're going to find inside
The definitive toolbox to build and establish your brand online. 73 tools, 22 categories, and 3 levels of application.
Learning Curve 1
WordPress Themes
URL Builders
Learning Curve 2
Keyword Search
Landing pages
Text editors
Social Media
Social Media Marketing
Learning Curve 3
Email Marketing
Content Planning
Survey Forms
A/B Tests
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Times saving, direct to the point, and step-by-step application method.
Access videos, pages, apps, podcasts, books and more.
All the functionalities and design were built to work on both desktop and mobile devices.